Sunday, June 19, 2005

I ate too much meat

No wonder God lists glutony as a sin! The Family and I went to Baltimore yesterday. Erica's Aunt Sue got married. She married a guy named Zippy. He's been to over 3000 Dead shows (half in the show and half he never made it out of the parking lot). He is also a world class chef. He cooked two hams and about twelve slabs of beef on the spit. Plus, there was a mean grilled tuna pasta salad. The meat, especially the beef was so suculant and mouth watering, that I just ate and ate and ate and ate - you get the picture. I couldn't move. I'm still suffering today. An atkins nightmare. I ate to much meat.

God doesn't label stuff sin to ruin our fun. He's just way smarter than us, and He knows the bad results of certain actions. He knows glutony will make you sick, as well as, fat. Want proof just look at my watermelon, I mean belly.


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