Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rivendell Gathering Holiday Schedule

- Friday, December 16th, 2005 Rivendell Gathering will not meet for Leadership Christmas Holiday Vactions.

- Friday, December 23rd, 2005 join us for our
Christmas Party!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Life is like blogging

Life is like blogging! They are both a journey. Life and blogging have a purpose. The purpose of life is to get to the destination. But many people are so are focused on the destination they become far-sited and miss the forest for the trees, so to speak. Eventhough we are to keep in mind our destination; we are to enjoy the scenery along the way. Look at each and every branch and bough, every twig and leaf. Enjoy the wood while keeping your eye on your destination and you won't get lost in the woods on the way.

Its kind of like that old proverb of that sometimes wise old sage Bilbo Baggins, "It's a strange business walking out your front door; you step out onto the path, and if you don't keep your feet on the road there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to."

Now the purpose of blogging is to chronicle that journey from the perspective of each blogger. Some sad, some lost and some angry, while for others its about joy, being found or on their way to being found.

Before, one could journal their journey and maybe it might be shared to many, if they became famous or their journal was discovered by the right person, which was rare. But now, every one has a greater chance of sharing their story. And stories are the journey of life. And rather the story be tragic, magnificent or anywhere in between; the more shared stories we have at our disposal the richer our lives can be.

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